The results revealed that the gilts expressed first observed

The results revealed that the gilts expressed first observed

estrus, averagely, at age 205.1 +/- 34.1 days, had a growth rate of 615.5 +/- 57.6 g/day, and first contact with boars at 160.7 +/- 19.9 days of age. The gilts with low growth rate expressed first estrus later than those with moderate (208.6 +/- 2.0 vs 198.0 +/- 3.2 days, P = 0.033) and high growth rate (208.6 +/- 2.0 vs 193.9 +/- 6.7 days, P = 0.005) groups. Together with the influence of boar exposure, the gilts contacted boar earlier with high growth rate showed first estrus at age 180.3 +/- 10.1 days, whereas those with later boar contact with low growth rate showed first estrus at age 197.9 +/- 3.2 days. In summary, the replacement gilts should have high growth rate and contact selleck screening library boar early to attain puberty faster LY2835219 and possess decent subsequent reproductive performance.”
“Both target radiofrequency thermocoagulation and collagenase chemonucleolysis are effective micro-invasive therapy means for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation. In order to analyze the clinical effects of target radiofrequency

thermocoagulation combined with collagenase chemonucleolysis on lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, the contents of hydroxyproline and glycosaminoglycan were measured and the histological changes of nucleus pulposus was detected in the vitro experiments. Radiofrequency thermocoagulation reduced the hydrolyzation of herniated nucleus pulposus caused by collagenase, as well as the content of hydroxyproline and glycosaminoglycan. Furthermore, 236 patients with lumbar intervertebral disc herniation were treated by target radiofrequency thermocoagulation combined with collagenase chemonucleolysis. The efficiency was evaluated according to Macnab criteria, and the index of lumbar disc herniation (IDH) was compared pre-operation with 3 months post-operation. The post-operative good rate was 66.5% (157/236) at 2 weeks post-operation,

and 88.1% (208/236) at 3 months post-operation. In the post-operative follow-up exam, 86.8% KPT-8602 order of the re-examined cases demonstrated smaller or ablated protrusion, with reduced IDH values from pre-operation, which was statistically significant. No serious complications were detected intra-operatively and post-operatively. In conclusion, target radiofrequency combined with collagenase chemonucleolysis was an effective and safe method for treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation.”
“To date, the structures of the sucrose tetraester (STE) isomers, a main kind of sucrose esters (SEs) in Solanum, have not been conclusively assigned. In this study, three groups of STE isomers with the molecular weight 650, 664 and 678 (designated as STE I, STE II and STE III, respectively) have been isolated and purified from the oriental tobacco-Komotini Basma using a semi-preparative RP-HPLC method.

There was a significant

difference in V-O2 between the fi

There was a significant

difference in V-O2 between the five sprints and 30-s sprint from 70 s to 320 s during recovery, but there were no significant differences in La after Iressa 5 min of recovery. There were two phases in V-O2. They consisted of fast oxygen debt and slow oxygen debt. There were also no differences in slow and fast oxygen debts between the two 10-s sprints despite significant differences in blood lactate during recovery. Peak La in the five sprints was not significantly different from that in the 30-s sprint (8.6 +/- 81.2 mM). However, slow oxygen debt was significantly greater in the 30-s sprint than in the five sprints. It is concluded that V-O2 kinetics during recovery are not affected by an increase in blood lactate.”
“A new process of welding aluminum water-cooled busbars is proposed. It can not only reduce the weight and cost, but also

improve the dynamic and thermal stability. Furthermore, both finite element method analysis and a prototype test testify the advantages of the design which is not limited by load current and provides a new approach for water-cooled reactors.”
“Standards are required BAY 80-6946 in quantitative NMR (qNMR) to obtain accurate and precise results. In this study acetanilide was established and used as a primary standard. Six other chemicals were selected as secondary standards: 3,4,5-trichloropyridine, dimethylterephthalate, maleic acid, 3-sulfolene, 1,4-bis(trimethylsilyl)benzene, and 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene.

The secondary standards were quantified using the primary standard acetanilide. A protocol for qualification and periodic checks of these secondary standards was developed, selleckchem and used for evaluation of the stability of the compounds. Periodic monitoring of purity was performed for several years. The purity was higher than 99% for all secondary standards. All standards maintained the initial purity during the time period of monitoring, with very small variations in purity (0.3-0.4%). The selected secondary standards were shown to be suitable qNMR standards and that periodic requalification of the standards by qNMR ensures reliable analytical results. These standards have been used in our laboratory for compliance testing of pharmaceutical active substances and approved medicinal products as well as for analysis of suspected illegal medicines. In total more than 1000 samples have been tested using both internal and external standardization and examples are given. (C) 2013 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.”
“Objectives This study sought to document the presence and role of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) in calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD). Background CAVD is a chronic disorder characterized by pathological mineralization and remodeling. Studies have indicated that human CAVD tissues are infiltrated by lipids and that inflammation may play a role in the pathobiology.

Journal of Human Hypertension (2010) 24, 831-838; doi:10 1038/jhh

Journal of Human Hypertension (2010) 24, 831-838; doi:10.1038/jhh.2010.16; published online 4 March 2010″
“Dermal exposure has been recognized as an important contributor to the total internal dose to disinfection-by-products (DBPs) in water. However, the effect of the use of surfactants, water temperature and area of the body exposed to DBPs on their dermal flux has not been characterized and was the focus of the present study using an in-vitro system. The dermal flux of mg/l concentrations of haloacetonitriles

and chloral hydrate (CH), important cytotoxic DBPs, increased by approximately 50% to 170% with increasing temperature from 25 degrees C to 40 degrees C. The fluxes for the torso and dorsum of the hand were much higher than that of palm and scalp skin. An increase in flux was observed for chloroacetonitrite and dichloroacetonitrile, selleck chemicals llc two less lipophilic HANs, but not for trichloroacetonitrile or CH, with the addition of 2% sodium lauryl sulfate or 2% sodium laureth sulfate, two surfactants commonly used in soaps and shampoos used in showering and bathing. Thus, factors such as temperature, surfactants and skin location affect dermal penetration and should be considered when evaluating dermal absorption.”
“A 6-day-old infant presented with

a deeply bluish cystic mass below the right medial canthus. She had been born healthy. Under the impression of a hemangioma brain computed tomography was conducted. As a result, a diagnosis Z-VAD-FMK price of congenital dacryocystocele

was made. We present this case to show that it is important for a dermatologist to correctly identify congenital dacryocystoceles and appropriately refer the infant to a pediatric ophthalmologist CFTRinh 172 prior to performing invasive measures. (Ann Dermatol 22(1) 54 similar to 56, 2010)”
“Human brain specializations supporting language can be identified by comparing human with non-human primate brains. Comparisons with chimpanzees are critical in this endeavor. Human brains are much larger than non-human primate brains, but human language capabilities cannot be entirely explained by brain size. Human brain specializations that potentially support our capacity for language include firstly; wider cortical minicolumns in both Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas compared with great apes; secondly, leftward asymmetries in Broca’s area volume and Wernicke’s area minicolumn width that are not found in great apes; and thirdly, arcuate fasciculus projections beyond Wernicke’s area to a region of expanded association cortex in the middle and inferior temporal cortex involved in processing word meaning.”
“Analysis of blood proteins holds critical promise for in depth understanding of physiological states. Protein content of hemolymph from Drosophila melanogaster is of particular analytical interest because the insect open circulatory system involves chemical signaling through the hemolymph.

The diet during pregnancy was estimated through a food frequency

The diet during pregnancy was estimated through a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) with a detailed section regarding fish. We calculated the correlations between Hg and Se in the biological samples and estimated the association between Hg concentrations and fish consumption.\n\nResults: in general, Hg levels

in hair and milk were positively associated Cyclopamine inhibitor with the consumption of fish from the lagoon of Grado and Marano. However, they were low in comparison with those of other fish-eating populations and below the WHO alert limits, likely because of the small consumption of fish among pregnant women, estimated from the FFQ. The concentration of Se in milk was also smaller than that reported in other international studies.\n\nConclusion: in Friuli Venezia Giulia, fetal and per natal Hg exposure find more is low. The children of the cohort be followed-up at school age to measure possible neurodevelopmental effects of such low exposures to Hg.”
“Marine multi-cellular organisms are described as sources of many newly discovered bioactive compounds. Meanwhile, it has been demonstrated repeatedly for several natural products of reputed multicellular origin that they are, in fact, produced by endophytic unicellular organisms-such as microbial fungi or bacteria. Consequently, while studying compounds isolated from a living organism,

it is essential to ensure that the sample integrity is not compromised. To test the diversity of the endobiome from Alcyonium digitatum, a cold Prexasertib chemical structure water coral found along the Atlantic coasts of the northern hemisphere, we performed a culture dependent surveyed using a phylogenetic approach. A 1 cm(3) cube from the interior tissue of A. digitatum was excised under aseptic conditions, homogenized, spread onto agar-based growth medium plates and incubated in 22 A degrees C to promote microbial growth. Colonies were transferred to secondary

medium plates, incubated, and after harvesting lysed using sterile water to release DNA. 16S and 23S rDNA regions were amplified using PCR, and sequenced for systematic evaluation using phylogenetic analysis. From this survey we identified a broad selection of bacteria, predominantly of the alpha-proteobacterial, bacteriodete, actinobacterial and firmicute lineages, demonstrating a significant biodiversity of the coral bacterial endobiome.”
“Decreased reproductive performance due to summer stress is a well known phenomenon in farm livestock. Whether this occurs in the mare and specifically how this might affect postpartum reproductive activity and performance, especially at Foal Heat (FM), is unknown. This study, therefore, aims to investigate this and the factors that might affect postpartum reproductive activity. Reproductive records of 228 Thoroughbred mares (694 mare years) bred in subtropical north-western India were retrospectively analysed. Overt oestrous activity occurred within 21 d postpartum in 92.94% (645/694) of mares. Significantly (p < 0.

CONCLUSIONS The correlation between structure and function i

\n\nCONCLUSIONS. The correlation between structure and function is stronger in FDF and FDT compared with SAP. Correlations are strongest in temporal areas where glaucomatous damage tends to occur first. A better understanding of the structure-function

relationship should allow for improved detection and management of glaucoma patients. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012; 53: 7553-7559) DOI:10.1167/iovs.12-10892″
“Currently available crosslinking methods for electrospun collagen nanofibers do not preserve the fibrous architecture over prolonged periods of time. In addition, electrospinning of collagen often involves solvents that lead to extensive protein denaturation. In this study, we demonstrate the advantage of acetic acid over 1,1,1,3,3,3 hexafluoroisopropanol (HFP) in preventing collagen denaturation. A novel photochemical check details crosslinking method using rose bengal as the photoinitiator is also introduced. Using circular dichorism analyses, we demonstrate the fraction of collagen helical structure to

be significantly greater in acetic acid-spun fibers than HFP-spun fibers (28.9 +/- 5.9% vs. 12.5 +/- 2.0%, p < 0.05). selleck products By introducing 0.1% (w/v) rose bengal into collagen fibers and subjecting these scaffolds to laser irradiation at a wavelength of 514 nm for 100 sec, biodegradable crosslinked scaffolds were obtained. Scaffold degradation as evaluated by soaking crosslinked collagen scaffolds in PBS at 37 degrees C, indicated a mass loss of 47.7 +/- 7.4% and 68.9 +/- 24.7% at day 7 and day 15, respectively. However, these scaffolds retained fibrous architecture for at least 21 days under physiological conditions. Neural stem cell line, C17.2, cultured on crosslinked collagen scaffolds proliferated after 7 days by forming a confluent layer of cells with extensive cellular projections that were indicative of neurite outgrowth. Taken together, these findings support the potential of acetic acid-electrospun photochemical crosslinked collagen nanofibers for neural tissue engineering. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals,

Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 95A: 276-282, 2010.”
“Every year about PLX3397 in vitro 7 million people die from of various types of cancer, making this disease responsible for 12.5% of deaths worldwide. Consequently, there is an overwhelming demand to develop new, more potent and effective, anticancer drugs. Natural products represent the most valuable source with inexhaustible reserves, in which the researchers work could identify novel active agents that may serve as the leads and scaffolds for transformation into desperately needed efficacious drugs. This paper is devoted to reviewing some of the most outstanding achievements in the application of natural products as models and precursors for anticancer agents published in the post 2000 literature.

“Indolinone-substituted methanofullerene, 1-(3,5-di-tret-b

“Indolinone-substituted methanofullerene, 1-(3,5-di-tret-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl)-3-(3-cyclopropane[1,9](C-60-I-h)[5,6]fullerene-3-yl)-indolin-2-one (HBIM), has been studied as an electron acceptor for polymer-fullerene solar cells. HBIM is easier to synthesize and purify than the standard fullerene derivative for polymer solar cells, PCBM. Optical absorption, solubility,

and electrochemical properties of HBIM are reported. Solar cells with the device configuration ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:HBIM/CaAl have been investigated with the reference cells based on the P3HT:PCBM blend. We study the effect of thermal annealing on the device performance and the surface morphology of the active layer. The power conversion efficiency of P3HT:HBIM devices with a weight ratio of 1:1 is about 2% under illumination by AM1.5G (100 mW/cm(2)) radiation. The P3HT:HBIM devices show the same open-circuit voltage as the P3HT:PCBM Natural Product Library ones, but the short-circuit current and the fill factor are considerably less. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“N-heterocyclic compounds from industrial wastes, including nicotine, are environmental pollutants or toxicants responsible for a variety of health problems. Microbial biodegradation is an attractive strategy for the removal

of N-heterocyclic pollutants, during which carbon-nitrogen bonds in N-heterocycles are converted to amide bonds and subsequently severed by amide hydrolases. Previous studies have failed to clarify the molecular mechanism through GSK461364 solubility dmso which amide hydrolases selectively recognize diverse amide substrates and complete the biodenitrogenation process. In this study, structural, computational and enzymatic analyses showed how the N-formylmaleamate deformylase Nfo and the maleamate amidase Ami, two pivotal amide hydrolases in the nicotine catabolic pathway of Pseudomonas putidaS16, specifically recognize their respective substrates. In addition, comparison of the — groups of amidases, which include Ami, pinpointed several subgroup-characteristic residues differentiating the two classes of amide substrates as containing either carboxylate groups or aromatic rings. Furthermore, this study reveals the molecular

mechanism through which the specially tailored active sites of deformylases and amidases selectively recognize their unique substrates. Our work thus provides a thorough elucidation of the molecular mechanism through which amide hydrolases accomplish substrate-specific recognition in the microbial N-heterocycles biodenitrogenation pathway.”
“Chronic pain impairs the quality of life for millions of individuals and therefore presents a serious ongoing challenge to clinicians and researchers. Debilitating chronic pain syndromes cost the US economy more than $600 billion per year. This article provides an overview of the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and treatment outcomes for craniofacial, spinal, and peripheral neurologic pain syndromes.

This strategy avoids

conventional solid-phase immobilizat

This strategy avoids

conventional solid-phase immobilization owing to its inherent potential for denaturation of the antigen. In addition, a functional screening strategy selects single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) directly for their capacity for both specific binding and stabilization of the target enzyme in its inactive conformation. These conformation-specific scFvs illustrate that stabilization of oxidized PTP1B is an effective strategy to inhibit PTP1B function; it is possible that this approach may be applicable to the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) family as a whole. With this protocol, isolation and characterization of specific scFvs from immune responsive animals should take similar to 6 weeks.”
“Type 1 regulatory T (Tr1) cells are an inducible subset of CD4(+) Tr cells characterized by high levels see more of interleukin

(IL)-10 production and regulatory properties. Several protocols to generate human Tr1 cells have been developed in vitro. However, the resulting population includes a significant fraction of contaminating non-Tr1 cells, representing a major bottleneck for clinical application of Tr1 cell therapy. We generated an homogeneous IL-10 producing Tr1 cell population by transducing human CD4(+) T cells with a bidirectional lentiviral vector (LV) encoding for human IL-10 and the marker gene, green fluorescent protein (GFP), which are independently coexpressed. The resulting GFP(+) LV-IL-10-transduced human CD4(+) T (cD4(LV-IL-10)) cells expressed, upon Selleckchem Pevonedistat T-cell receptor (TCR) activation, high levels of IL-10 and concomitant low levels GSK1210151A in vivo of IL-4, and markers associated with IL-10. Moreover, cD4(LV-IL10) T cells displayed typical Tr1 features: the anergic phenotype, the IL-10, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta dependent suppression of allogeneic T-cell responses, and the ability to suppress in a cell-to-cell contact independent manner in vitro. CD4(LV-IL-10) T cells were able to control xeno graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), demonstrating their suppressive function in vivo. These results show that

constitutive over-expression of IL-10 in human CD4(+) T cells leads to a stable cell population that recapitulates the phenotype and function of Tr1 cells.”
“It is known that aberrant sialylation of IgA1 is involved in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy (IgAN). We hypothesize that aberrant sialylation of serum IgA1 may result from changes in the activity of alpha 2,6-sialyltransferase (alpha 2,6-ST) or expression of its coding gene ST6GALNAC2 in peripheral B lymphocytes. Sixty patients with IgAN and 20 healthy controls were enrolled. Peripheral B lymphocytes were isolated by CD-19-positive magnetic beads. The expression level of ST6GALNAC2 was quantitatively analysed by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Our review attempts to show that morphogenetic processes found in

Our review attempts to show that morphogenetic processes found in sponges are as diverse and complex as those found in other

animals. In true epithelial sponges (Homoscleromorpha), as well as in others, we find similar cell/layer movements, cellular shape changes involved in major morphogenetic processes such as embryogenesis or larval metamorphosis. Thus, sponges can provide information enabling us to better understand early animal evolution at the molecular level but also at the cell/cell layer level. Indeed, comparison of molecular tools will only be of value if accompanied by functional data and expression studies during morphogenetic processes.”
“BACKGROUND: Research in the field of proteomics to discover markers for detection of cancer has produced disappointing Torin 2 price results, with few markers gaining US Food and Drug Administration Selleck LY294002 approval, and few claims borne out when subsequently tested in rigorous studies. What is the role of better mathematical or statistical analysis in improving the situation?\n\nCONTENT: This article examines whether a recent successful Netflix-sponsored competition using mathematical analysis to develop a prediction model for movie ratings of individual

subscribers can serve to improve studies of markers in the field of proteomics. Netflix developed a database of movie preferences of individual subscribers using a longitudinal cohort research design. Groups of researchers then competed to develop better ways to analyze the data. Against this background, the strengths and weaknesses of research design are reviewed, contrasting the Netflix design with that of studies of biomarkers to detect cancer. Such biomarker studies generally have less-strong design, lower numbers of outcomes, and greater difficulty selleck chemical in even just measuring predictors and outcomes, so the fundamental data

that will be used in mathematical analysis tend to be much weaker than in other kinds of research.\n\nCONCLUSIONS: If the fundamental data that will be analyzed are not strong, then better analytic methods have limited use in improving the situation. Recognition of this situation is an important first step toward improving the quality of clinical research about markers to detect cancer. (C) 2009 American Association for Clinical Chemistry”
“Background Robust evidence of the effectiveness of task shifting of antiretroviral therapy (ART) from doctors to other health workers is scarce. We aimed to assess the effects on mortality, viral suppression, and other health outcomes and quality indicators of the Streamlining Tasks and Roles to Expand Treatment and Care for HIV (STRETCH) programme, which provides educational outreach training of nurses to initiate and represcribe ART, and to decentralise care.

Our results indicate that FAK inhibition can suppress ovarian can

Our results indicate that FAK inhibition can suppress ovarian cancer cells migration and invasion through inhibiting downstream signaling (PI3K/AKT), which might be a therapeutic target or biomarker for ovarian selleck kinase inhibitor cancer.”
“The crystal structure and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 samples, proton-irradiated with 0, 10, and 20 pC/mu m(2), were investigated with x-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrating sample magnetometer, and Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements. From the Rietveld refinement analysis of the XRD patterns, the crystal structure of BiFeO3 is determined to be rhombohedral with the space group of R3c. We have observed the decrease

in the lattice constant and oxygen occupancy with proton irradiation. The magnetization hysteresis (M-H) curves show the appearance of the weak ferromagnetic behavior in the proton irradiated BiFeO3 samples. The Mossbauer spectra of proton irradiated BiFeO3 samples at 295 K were analyzed with two-sextets (B-1 and B-2) and doublet. From the isomer shift (delta) values, ionic states were determined to be Fe3+. Compared to non-irradiated sample, having the antiferromagnetic area ratio (two-sextets) of 45.47, 54.53% the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic area ratios (doublet) of 10 and 20 pC/mu m(2) proton irradiated BiFeO3 samples are 41.36, 51.26, and

7.38% and 41.03, 50.90, and 8.07%, respectively. Our experimental observation suggests that the increase in the paramagnetic area ratio is due to the disappearance of superexchange interaction, resulted from the removal of the oxygen with proton irradiation. Also, the appearance of the weak ferromagnetic behavior is caused by the breaking of the antiferromagnetic coupling. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics.”
“The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term influence of contrasting rural land use types on the level, plot-scale variation and horizontal spatial structure of decomposition activities and the bacterial community in soil. Experimental

data were collected in the southern boreal zone from topsoil layers of adjacent spruce forest, unmanaged meadow (former field) and organically cultivated field that all shared the same soil origin. The forest this website soil was sampled separately for the organic and mineral layers. A geostatistical design comprising 50 sampling points per plot area of 10 x 10 m(2) was used. The measured microbiological characteristics included eight different hydrolytic soil enzyme activities involved in C, P and S cycles, bacterial 16S rDNA length heterogeneity profiles (LH-PCR) and total DNA yield as a relative estimate of microbial biomass.\n\nEffects of land use were pronounced on both the bacterial community structure and soil enzyme activities. Soil organic matter (SOM) content predicted well the major differences in soil enzyme activities and microbial biomass.

Transplantation was associated with a high incidence of complicat

Transplantation was associated with a high incidence of complications including early relapse, failure of engraftment, and posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder. Given the small size of modern families and the clinical heterogeneity of this syndrome, the diagnosis of FPD/AML could be easily overlooked and may be

more prevalent than previously recognized. Therefore, it would appear prudent to screen young patients with MDS/AML for RUNX1 mutation, before consideration of sibling hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. (Blood. 2008; 112: 4639-4645)”
“Hyalinizing trabecular tumor (HTT) is a rare thyroid tumor of follicular cell origin with a trabecular pattern of growth and marked intratrabecular hyalinization. This tumor is known to share morphological and architectural similarities with paraganglioma ASK inhibitor and medullary thyroid carcinoma, as well as the nuclear features and RET/PTC1 translocations of papillary thyroid carcinoma. These tumors are not associated with RAS or BRAF mutations. Whether the presence of RET alterations in HTT are sufficient molecular proof

of its relationship with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is still to be defined. Of great interest is the characteristic strong peripheral cytoplasmic and membranous staining of the tumor cells with MIB1 immunostain, not seen in any other thyroid neoplasm. Although JPH203 cases of malignant HTT have been recorded, HTT should be considered a benign neoplasm or, at most, a neoplasm of extremely low malignant potential.”
“Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) and autosomal dominant optic atrophy (DOA) are the two most common inherited optic neuropathies and they result in significant visual morbidity among young adults. Both disorders are the result of mitochondrial dysfunction: LHON from primary mitochondrial

Combretastatin A4 chemical structure DNA (mtDNA) mutations affecting the respiratory chain complexes; and the majority of DOA families have mutations in the OPA1 gene, which codes for an inner mitochondrial membrane protein critical for mtDNA maintenance and oxidative phosphorylation. Additional genetic and environmental factors modulate the penetrance of LHON, and the same is likely to be the case for DOA which has a markedly variable clinical phenotype. The selective vulnerability of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) is a key pathological feature and understanding the fundamental mechanisms that underlie RGC loss in these disorders is a prerequisite for the development of effective therapeutic strategies which are currently limited.”
“Fetal macrosomia represents a continuing challenge in obstetrics, as it has risk of shoulder dystocia leading to transient or permanent fetal, maternal injury and medicolegal liability. The overall incidence of macrosomia has been rising.